Przegląd Zachodniopomorski

ISSN: 0552-4245     eISSN: 2353-3021    OAI    DOI: 10.18276/pz.2018.1-02

Issue archive / z. 1 2018
Elementarne szkoły wiejskie finansowane z funduszu szkolnego na Pomorzu pruskim latach 1777-1807
(Elementary Rural Schools Financed by the Educational Fund in Prussian Pomerania in the Years 1777–180)

Authors: Zygmunt Szultka
Keywords: Prussian Pomerania in the 18th century rural educational system schools of grace
Data publikacji całości:2018
Page range:44 (35-78)
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In his article the author attempts to indicate the aims and effects of the system of schools of grace financed by the State through the educational fund in Pomerania in the years 1777–1807, i.e. from the moment the fund was set up to its demise under the French occupation of Pomerania. Although the general aims and the rules of the reforms of the rural schools in Pomerania were similar to the ones in the Electoral March and West Prussia, and although they arose from the same concept of Frederickian absolute monarchy and its division into estates, the difference between the two systems were increasing with time. Almost the whole of the school improvement fund came from the gentry, 70% of it was consumed by the schools in domains (first of all the villages founded within the framework of the Frederickian colonisation) and only 20% – by the gentry; in addition, the beneficiaries from the gentry were in their majority the nobility connected with the corps of higher officers and the bureaucratic apparatus that did not always comply with the requirements to get assistance from the fund. However critically the system of schools of grace were assessed, and they constituted only 6% of the all the schools of Prussian Pomerania, there is no doubt that at the turn of 18th and 19th centuries only in the regions along the Oder the schools in question were model educational institutions with qualified teachers, in its entirety financed by the State, and they implemented an Enlightenment educational programme with Enlightenment teaching methods and textbooks.
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