Przegląd Zachodniopomorski

ISSN: 0552-4245     eISSN: 2353-3021    OAI    DOI: 10.18276/pz.2022.37-17

Issue archive / t. 37 (66) 2022
W poszukiwaniu dobrego sąsiedztwa. 35 lat koordynowania w IFG i ILiNM inter- i transkulurowych projektów wymiany nad Odrą – szczeciński model germanistyki kulturowego pogranicza, cz. II
(In search of a good neighborhood, Part 2. 35 years of coordination at IFG and ILiNM of inter- and transcultural exchange projects along the Oder River – the Szczecin model of German studies for the cultural border region. Part II)

Authors: Katarzyna Joanna Krasoń ORCID
Uniwersytet Szczeciński
Data publikacji całości:2022
Page range:31 (391-421)
Cited-by (Crossref) ?:


This text is the second part of the report on the mandate and work of Dr. Andrzej Talarczyk, coordinator at the Institute of German Philology at the University of Szczecin for cooper- ation with academic and non-academic institutions in Germany. It includes further areas of his organizational, teaching and research work according to the following subjects, in chronological order: (1) The message and mission of lectures, (2) New arrangements within the Socrates/Erasmus program, (3) Polish-German-Nordic regionalist academic con- ferences, (4) The Neumark / Terra incognita research project with the emergence of a new Polish-German book series “Badania Nowomarchijskie / Neumärkische Forschungen” (Neumark research). All these activities are embedded in the broader context of the Institute’s development. His engagement and joint efforts include support for the foundation of Chair of Compara- tive Literature. The work and development of this Chair form the background for the fol- lowing descriptions and analyses. With its systemic approach expressed, among other things, in the gradual transition to more and higher quality cross-border cooperation, work in the field of regional studies has continued to develop and expand thematically. This is most clearly illustrated by the cooperation with the Ostsee Academy in Lübeck-Travemünde which has lasted over 20 years – from Polish-German study trips through West Pomera- nia to joint Polish-German-Nordic (Scandinavian) regionalist academic conferences and the development of a series of books “Badania Nowomarchijskie / Neumärkische Forschun- gen”, published by the Szczecin University Press under his leadership. This resulted in draft editions of the next 10 volumes in this series. This is the culmination of this interdisciplinary activity, as members of this Council are visiting professors who have worked in teaching and research in the most dynamically developing organizational structure at the Institute of German Philology: the Department of Comparative Literary Studies. Moreover, this milestone marks another new quality in the history of this institute, and it rounds up and completes the academic activity of Dr. Talarczyk, as can be seen from this two-part series. Dr. Talarczyk has organized 9 scientific conferences, numerous student study trips as well as weekend seminars. He published over 60 publications, including 9 book editions, one of which, an independent monograph based on his doctoral dissertation, received a 3rd degree ministerial academic award. This is one of the greatest achievements in Comparative Literature over the entire history of the Institute of German Philology. For all the activities and achievements in regional research (area studies) described in this two-part report, it is legitimate to apply the designation “Szczecin Model for German Studies of the Cultural Border Region”. This model (in this personnel constellation) also merits a certain pioneering role, not only in the regional context.
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