Studia Paradyskie

ISSN: 0860-8539     eISSN: 2956-4204    OAI    DOI: 10.18276/sp.2023.33-10
CC BY-SA   Open Access   DOAJ  ERIH PLUS

Issue archive / 33/2023
Orędzie pokoju w dziełach Thomasa Mertona
(The message of peace in the literary work of Thomas Merton)

Authors: Wojciech Oleśków ORCID
Z-GWSD w Gościkowie-Paradyżu
Keywords: Thomas Merton conflicts world of peace love of neighbours reconciliation internal road
Data publikacji całości:2023-12
Page range:20 (151-170)
Cited-by (Crossref) ?:
Downloads ?: 68


According to Merton, the reason for all conflicts and wars are human sins, especially greed and selfishness. When falling for them, one resorts to violence and hatred. As a result, they stop thinking clearly, start to fear for their own freedom and in consequence stop trusting themselves and others. They put masks on other people, what does not help to solve conflicts in a peaceful way. Thomas shows us that a Christian’s task is to build a world of peace. An important idea here is non-use of violence. It is a spiritual attitude which is based on loving God and other people. It means acting without hostility or aggression. One sees others as well as their problems and difficulties, and helps to fight them. Such a person is a sign of communion and unity of human beings. They open up to people, their desires and needs. Noticing Jesus Christ in others and treating them like brothers becomes a constant challenge. By committing acts of mercy one tries to reestablish understanding and peace in their environment. Thus, they become ambassadors of love and peace, especially among the closest ones. They find Christ’s peace inside themselves. This is the basis of every external activity. While taking care of personal spiritual development, one finds a mission to maintain peace in the world.
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