Studia Paradyskie

ISSN: 0860-8539     eISSN: 2956-4204    OAI    DOI: 10.18276/sp.2022.32-05
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Issue archive / 32/2022
Mojżesz,jakiego nie znamy? Kilka uwag na temat poszukiwań historycznego Mojżesza
(Moses Who We Do Not Know? In the Mainstream of Scientific Research of the Historical Moses)

Authors: Janusz Lemański ORCID
Keywords: historical Moses Exodus Pentateuch Yahwism
Data publikacji całości:2022
Page range:33 (87-119)
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The search for the historical sources of the tradition of Moses, with the present state of knowledge, leads to the conclusion that we can look for its traces primarily in biblical texts. These include the Egyptian name of Moses mentioned in the Pentateuch, his relationship with the Midianites / Kenites, and the current knowledge about the origins and development of Yahwism. Some references in other books of the Old Testament (Hosea 12:14; Judges 18:30; 2 Kings 18:4) linking Moses (without giving the name) with the Exodus (the first one) and with some forms of worship unorthodox for later authors (two other ones) deserve attention when examining these issues. The conclusion to be drawn from examining these issues is that the biblical “biography” of Moses is largely the result of the later literary and theological work of biblical authors and presents this protagonist in a way that differs significantly from the potential “historical” archetype
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