Studia Językoznawcze

synchroniczne i diachroniczne aspekty badań polszczyzny

ISSN: 1730-4180     eISSN: 2353-3161    OAI
CC BY-SA   Open Access   ERIH PLUS

Liste der Ausgaben / t. 11, 2012
Wybrane historycznokulturowe aspekty frazeologii rzemieślniczej

Autoren: Ewa Młynarczyk
Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny im. KEN, Wydział Filologiczny, Kraków
Schlüsselbegriffe: frazeologia kultura materialna rzemiosło
Data publikacji całości:2012
Seitenanzahl:14 (137-150)


The paper is an attempt to describe systematically expressive historical and cultural contents the carriers of which are compounds referring to handicraft. The author took into account only these idiomatic expressions and proverbs that include components in a form of either a name of a craft profession or an adjective derived from the name. The need of comprehensive description of well fixed compounds that come from handicrafts as against recessiveness of a considerable part of them in modern Polish language was also indicated.
