Studia i Prace WNEiZ US

Previously: Zeszyty Naukowe Uniwersytetu Szczecińskiego. Studia i Prace WNEiZ

ISSN: 2080-4881     eISSN: 2300-4096    OAI    DOI: 10.18276/sip.2016.44/2-21
CC BY-SA   Open Access   CEEOL

Issue archive / nr 44/2 2016
Wybrane aspekty zarządzania rezerwami walutowymi w Polsce
(Selected aspects of foreign reserve management in Poland)

Authors: Ireneusz Pszczółka
Uniwersytet Technologiczno-Humanistyczny im. K. Pułaskiego w Radomiu
Keywords: foreign reserves central bank fi nancial instruments international curriencies
Data publikacji całości:2016
Page range:12 (303-314)
Klasyfikacja JEL: E44 E58 F32
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The aim of the paper is to analyse changes in the structure and size of the offi cial foreign reserves in Poland over the years 2005–2014. Particular emphasis in the article is put on the structural characteristics of the NBP’s reserves, both in terms of currencies and financial instruments and assess their importance for the stability of the exchange rate. An important element of the article is also the assessment of Polish foreign reserves in terms of their relevance. The paper is based on the international literature and statistical data. The main sources of necessary data were taken from publications delivered by National Bank of Poland.
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