Studia i Prace WNEiZ US

Previously: Zeszyty Naukowe Uniwersytetu Szczecińskiego. Studia i Prace WNEiZ

ISSN: 2450-7733    OAI    DOI: 10.18276/sip
CC BY-SA   Open Access   CEEOL

Publication Ethics

Publication Ethics
The editors believe that publication ethics are the basis for scientific development. Therefore, all participants of the publishing process (Editorial Staff, Reviewers, Authors) should follow them. For this reason, in the case of various types of violation of ethical standards, procedures have been developed which are described in detail in the COPE.


Ethics Guidelines

Read the sections below to be sure that your manuscript comply with the ethics guidelines of the Journal «Studies and Research of the FEM of the SU».


Ethical duties of the Editorial Staff

  • The Editors are of the opinion that ghostwriting (not revealing somebody’s significant contribution to the creation of the manuscript or its contribution has not been presented in the acknowledgments included in the manuscript) and guest authorship (revealing as athors or co-authors individuals who have not contributed to the creation of the manuscript at all or their contribution was insignificant)  are examples of academic negligence. The editorial staff fully adheres to the procedure to prevent these phenomena and any cases of such academic negligence will be disclosed, including the initiation of the appropriate procedure.
  • To prevent such phenomena the Editorial Staff have initiated the following procedure:
    -we expect that manuscripts written by many authors will include in the footnote a description of the contribution of individual people;
    -Authors should also disclose the sources of financing their research (e.g. a research grant or a research scholarship);
    -in case of detecting ghostwriting or guest authorship, after analysing and substantiating it in detail, the Editorial Office will notify the authors’ employer(s) and other academic institutions about the fact;
    -other cases of academic misconduct will also be disclosed and substantiated: data fabrication and forging, and plagiarism;
    -we express our disapproval of the following phenomena: hiding data, ignoring some arguments, incomplete literature on the subject matter, multiple publication of the same results or submitting the same manuscript to many publishers.
  • The Editorial Staff do not disclose any information about the manuscripts submitted for publication to persons or entities other than the authors, reviewers, editors or representatives of the publisher, to whom this information is made available solely for the purpose of the publishing procedure. The names of the reviewers of individual publications / issues of the journal are not disclosed (once a year the journal publishes, on the website of the journal, a summary list of cooperating reviewers).
  • During the review process, the Editors always follow the reviewing procedure described in Reviewing rules.
  • Editors would like to point out that the assessment of the result of the review is not affected by any personal factors (ie sex, religion, race, origin, citizenship) and the beliefs of the authors. Submitted texts are subject to a scientific review in accordance with the applicable rules (2 reviewers and the so-called "double-blind review process"). For publication in the Journal «Studies and Research of the FEM of the SU» will be directed texts that have received a positive reviews.
  • Articles that have not been published may not be used by editorial staff, as a whole or in part, without the written consent of the authors.


Ethical duties of Reviewers

  • In the Journal «Studies and Research of the FEM of the SU», the articles received for review are confidential and subject to a "double-blind review process", i.e. the author(s) and the reviewers do not know their identities. To ensure this, the Reviewer fills in the relevant Reviewer's declaration.
  • In other cases, the reviewer must sign a declaration on the absence of a conflict of interest (how the Editorial Board defines a conflict of interest and what procedures are used during the review process are presented in more detail in Reviewing rules).
  • In the event of a conflict of interest, reviewers are obliged to inform the Editorial Board immediately.
  • The names of reviewers of individual publications / numbers are not disclosed to authors and third parties not associated with the publication process. The cumulative list of reviewers cooperating with the Editors is published at the end of the year on the journal's website - according to the requirements of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education.
  • The articles received for review are confidential. It is unacceptable to disclose to third parties information about receiving an article for review, as well as discussing with such persons the contents / conclusions of reviewed articles.
  • It is the duty of the reviewers to identify and indicate in the review such publications on which the author should have referred, but he did not do so, and also to provide the editors with information about unauthorized borrowings and / or suspicion of plagiarism.
  • The proceedings of the Editors in the event of violation of any ethical rules in this area are described in detail in COPE.


Ethical duties of Authors

  • The editors accept only original articles and do not submit in another journal or publishing house.
  • The authors are obliged to cite the publications they used during the creation of the article and not to infringe any rights of third parties.
  • The authors are obliged to disclose any premises of a conflict of interest that could affect the interpretation or conclusions resulting from the article. In particular, authors are required to indicate all sources of financing, the contribution of institutions, organizations and other entities.
  • The Author/Authors are required to complete the appropriate statements, i.e. the statement - the integrity of the researcher. statement of the author, statement on the contribution of the Author/Authors (Forms to download) and make sure that all the people mentioned as co-authors accepted the final version of the manuscript.
  • The author's detection of material errors or mistakes affecting the interpretation and conclusions in published articles requires immediate notification by the Editor, who in such a situation will take, in consultation with the Author, appropriate steps to post a correction or withdrawal of the article.
  • Texts that do not meet the formal requirements of the Editorial Board and the ethical principles of the Journal «Studies and Research of the FEM of the SU» will not be eligible for printing.
  • The proceedings of the Editors in the event of violation of any ethical rules by the Author / Authors are described in detail in COPE.

Link to Committee of Publication Ethics (COPE)