Opuscula Sociologica

Previously: Zeszyty Naukowe Uniwersytetu Szczecińskiego. Studia Sociologica

ISSN: 2299-9000    OAI
CC BY-SA   Open Access   CEEOL

Issue archive / nr 1/2014
Obezwładniająca moc niektórych enklaw społecznych
(Overwhelming power of certain social enclaves)

Authors: Renata Suchocka
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
Keywords: self-exclusion economic capital cultural capital enclave of prosperity enclave of poverty ethnic enclave social enclave
Data publikacji całości:2014
Page range:10 (15-24)


The study focuses on the relationship between certain enclaves and its members – individuals. An attempt was made to demonstrate that the power of an enclave can lead to a number of social impacts that restrict individuals, and even their participation in social life outside the enclave, or – on the contrary – it can promote the achievement of a high social position. This power that overwhelms the individuals results from the strength of social networks, economic and cultural capitals that are generated by it, from the socialization function, leading to the fact that the enclave becomes the most important and sometimes the only reference group. As a consequence, the enclave may limit the opportunities for social advancement in a society, it may create economic, cultural, social and political self-exclusion from the wider society as a result of the social impact of the pressure exerted by the enclave but it can also equip its members in the “above average” capital that is necessary to succeed in the wider society.
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