Europa Regionum

ISSN: 1428-278X    OAI    DOI: 10.18276/er.2017.33-14
CC BY-SA   Open Access 

Issue archive / t. 33 2017
(Diversit y of the use of f u nds u nder operational prog rams in Poland in the per iod 2014 –2017)

Authors: Marta Wysogląd
Fundacja Instytut Innowacji i Rozwoju Społecznego „ANIMAR”
Keywords: funds allocation territorial local-government regionalization
Data publikacji całości:2017-12-31
Page range:10 (149-158)
Klasyfikacja JEL: F15 O11 R51
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European Union funds are a great opportunity for Polish regions, especially in the financial perspective for 2014–2020. Co-financing granted to Poland as part of cohesion policy for 2014–2020 is an opportunity for further development of the country, to support initiatives that can contribute to economic growth. It is also a great responsibility, because only properly invested funds will help to raise the competitiveness of the Polish economy. Based on the experience gained, it should be used in such a way that Poland can match the level of development of European countries in the near future, which have previously benefited from the effects of integration. The article presents the use of European Union funds in regional operational programs. The assessment of the use of funds has been made on the basis of provinces based on numerical data presented by the Central Information System SL 2014–2020.
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