Zeszyty Naukowe Uniwersytetu Szczecińskiego. Acta Politica

Currently: Acta Politica Polonica

ISSN: 0867-0617    OAI

Issue archive / 1/2014 (27)
Partie polityczne w Bretanii: między regionalizmem, autonomią a separatyzmem
(Political parties in Brittany: between regionalism, autonomy and separatism)

Authors: Nicole Dołowy-Rybińska
Instytut Slawistyki PAN
Keywords: Brittany, minority parties, ethnic identity
Data publikacji całości:2014
Page range:14 (53-66)


Brittany’s political scene seems to be very rich. There are several Breton political parties, some with a long history and tradition (even ideological origins dating back tothe national movement of Brittany), others are ephemeral creations, whose activities are limited to one or more projects. However, in most parts of Brittany regional structures are virtually invisible. To answer the question of why this is so, let’s look at the events of the history of Brittany, to help understand the dynamics of the current political life.


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