Zeszyty Naukowe Uniwersytetu Szczecińskiego. Acta Politica

Currently: Acta Politica Polonica

ISSN: 0867-0617    OAI
CC BY-SA   Open Access   DOAJ  ERIH PLUS

Issue archive / 1/2011 (24)
Spór o niezależność Macedonii we współczesnej ,,zjednoczonej” Europie. Część 1. Okres do wybuchu II wojny światowej
(The dispute over Macedonia’s independence in the modern, “united” Europe. Part I. The period before the World War II)

Authors: Waldemar Potkański
Szczecińska Szkoła Wyższa Collegium Balticum
Keywords: Transnationality, conflicts, sovereignty, international community
Data publikacji całości:2011
Page range:11 (51-61)


The problem of the recognition of the sovereignty of the Republic of Macedonia has been presented in this article. Macedonia was established in 1991, just after the demise of the Yugoslavian Federation. Greece, a member of NATO and the EU, is the main adversary that does not want to recognise Macedonian independence. Greece appeals to an ancient Helladic tradition, and attempts to prove that there is no historical continuity between Macedonians and Slavic population which has occupied disputed territories since the 6th century.Greece does not want to recognise a separate Macedonian language, whose roots are to be found in Old Church Slavonic. This State safeguards the division which was made after so-called the Balkan Wars in 1913. The division has lasted since the SecondWorld War. In this way, the former lands inhabited by this population were partitioned into: Vardar (Serbian) Macedonia, Aegean (Greek) Macedonia and Pirin (Bulgarian) Macedonia. The State, over which the dispute arose, was established on 17th November 2001 as a result of “a bloodless revolution”. The People’s Republic of Macedonia (existing in former Yugoslavia) was the base for establishing the State. The dispute, which has lasted since then, is supposed to lead to the full international recognition of the State of Macedonia. But, for the time being, Macedonia has been recognised (within the UN) under a name imposed by Greece “Former Yugoslavian Republic of Macedonia” (FYROM). Apart from that the Greek government is torpedoing further Macedonian initiatives which aim at a full union. It is also against the membership of this State in NATO and EU structures.


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