Studia Koszalińsko-Kołobrzeskie

ISSN: 1230-0780     eISSN: 2719-4337    OAI    DOI: 10.18276/skk.2020.27-14

Issue archive / nr 27 2020
L’impegno di papa Francesco per una fratellanza universale. Le novità del Documento di Abu Dhabi (4 febbraio 2019)
(Pope Francis’ commitment to universal brotherhood. What’s new in the Abu Dhabi Document (February 4, 2019))

Authors: Alberto Piola ORCID
Facoltà Teologica dell’Italia Settentrionale, Sezione Parallela di Torino
Keywords: fraternity interreligious dialogue Islamic-Christian relations social justice
Data publikacji całości:2020
Page range:18 (257-274)
Cited-by (Crossref) ?:


The Document on Human Brotherhood for World Peace and Common Coexistence, signed in Abu Dhabi on February 4, 2019 by Pope Francis and Ahmad Al-Tayyib, Great Iman of al-Azhar, is a development of the teaching of Vatican II and of the subsequent magisterium on fraternity which derives from the only Creator God. The article analyzes which idea of fraternity is proposed and which are the most underlined aspects; it also addresses the criticisms that on the Catholic side have been addressed to Pope Francis, especially on the way in which the Document presents religious pluralism. The Document is an important example of what the potential of interreligious dialogue is today and represents a common call to action to face various injustices in our world.
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