Studia Językoznawcze

synchroniczne i diachroniczne aspekty badań polszczyzny

ISSN: 1730-4180     eISSN: 2353-3161    OAI
CC BY-SA   Open Access   ERIH PLUS

Liste der Ausgaben / t. 12, 2013
Między synchronią a diachronią, czyli o problemach z modelowaniem systemu słowotwórczego polszczyzny

Autoren: Iwona Kaproń-Charzyńska
Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika w Toruniu
Schlüsselbegriffe: model systemu językowego racjonalizm słowotwórstwo synchroniczne
Data publikacji całości:2013
Seitenanzahl:10 (83-92)


The article draws attention to the problems associated with modeling of word formation system of the Polish language in the synchronous description. The author is primarily interested in the consequences of entanglement of the subject matter of word-formation between the two points of view – synchronic and diachronic, and connected with this fact diffi culties in combination of formal and semantic plane in the description of derivatives and the gap between the research and lexical word-formation. Referring to I. Bobrowski who states that the language system and the language model are two different entities, the author presents the assumptions on which she proposes to build a model system of word formation, referring to the concept of A. Bogusławski.
