Studia i Prace WNEiZ US

Previously: Zeszyty Naukowe Uniwersytetu Szczecińskiego. Studia i Prace WNEiZ

ISSN: 2450-7733     eISSN: 2300-4096    OAI    DOI: 10.18276/sip.2016.44/1-04
CC BY-SA   Open Access   CEEOL

Issue archive / nr 44/1 2016
(The role of voluntary organizations in building social capital – theoretical approach)

Authors: Danuta Miłaszewicz
Uniwersytet Szczeciński

Małgorzata Zakrzewska
Uniwersytet Szczeciński
Keywords: NGOs social capital women voluntary organizations
Data publikacji całości:2016
Page range:12 (45-56)
Klasyfikacja JEL: L31
Cited-by (Crossref) ?:


Literature increasingly emphasizes the role of NGOs in building social capital, it also distinguishes between different forms of social capital, depending on whether created net- Danuta Miłaszewicz, Małgorzata Zakrzewska 55 Rola organizacji pozarządowych w budowaniu kapitału społecznego – ujęcie teoretyczne works are dense and within homogeneous groups (bonding social capital) or less dense and between heterogeneous groups (bridging social capital). Studies have shown that voluntary organizations have different functions in different societies from their adversarial and advocacy role to supplement what other sectors are notable to provide. However, parrarely changes the nature of the activities of their members from more collective to more individualistic, organizations are also differentiated by which system there are in and by the characteristics of their members, ie. gender and the culture of origin.
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