Przegląd Zachodniopomorski

ISSN: 0552-4245     eISSN: 2353-3021    OAI    DOI: 10.18276/pz.2016.1-10

Issue archive / z. 1 2016
Jak słowiańscy przodkowie Pomorzan stali się Germanami. Mit pochodzenia pierwotnych mieszkańców Pomorza Zachodniego w XVI i początkach XVII wieku
(How the Slavic Ancestors of the Pomeranians Became Germans. The Myth on the Origin of the Inhabitants of West Pomerania in the 16th Century and at the Beginning of the 17th Century)

Authors: Paweł Migdalski
Uniwersytet Szczeciński Wydział Humanistyczny
Keywords: the Pomernian Duchy ethnogenetic legends historiography historical policy
Data publikacji całości:2016
Page range:20 (199-218)
Cited-by (Crossref) ?:


The article shows the development of the ethnogenetic legend of the Pomeranian Duchystarting from the reign of Bolesław (Bogislaw) X the Great to the mid-17th century.The basis of that legend was the 14th-century oral tradition created by Augustyn/Augustine,a Stargard monk, according to which (the tradition) the original Pomeranian peoplehad been Slavs. When Pomerania was being united under the reign of Bogusław X thatoral tradition was extended and adjusted to meet the current political needs. But in the16th century Thomas Kantzow analysing some ancient sources came to the conclusionthat the area in question had been inhabited by Germanic tribes, and the subsequentSlavic period was short and insignificant. That picture was later extended by historiographers.The author of the article also seeks the answers to the questions concerning thesources of the Pomeranian legend, the main topics and motives that were supposed to authenticatethe legend, who the texts were created by and addressed to, and what politicalmeaning those myths had.
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