Marketing i Zarządzanie

Previously: Zeszyty Naukowe Uniwersytetu Szczecińskiego. Problemy Zarządzania, Finansów i Marketingu

ISSN: 2450-775X     eISSN: 2543-5574    OAI    DOI: 10.18276/miz
CC BY-SA   Open Access   CEEOL

Review process

Stage 1

Upon receiving a manuscript either the scientific editor or thematic editor prepares preliminary assessment on the compliance of the manuscript with the thematic scope of the journal and formal requirements (including, among others, length, text editing, citation, quality of graphics, abstract). In the case of co-authorship it is necessary to precisely determine the contribution of individual authors to the submitted manuscript, along with the fulfillment of proper statement (Author's statement about the contribution to the article). Authors are required to complete a declaration of not publishing the submitted text by another publisher. The relevant statements are available in the section: Authors guidelines - statements.

Positive evaluation in the first stage results in processing the manuscript for review process.

Stage 2

For reviewing each manuscript there are appointed at least two reviewers from the leading universities in Poland and abroad, not affiliated with a research unit affiliated by the authors of the manuscript. In justified cases, for the authors outside the University of Szczecin, the reviewer may be a researcher at the University of Szczecin. Reviews are performed in the "double-blind review process" (authors and reviewers do not know their identity). The reviewer should complete the relevant declaration. Reviews are in a written form and should end with a clear conclusion on: accepting the manuscript, accepting the manuscript after implementation of suggested changes or rejecting the manuscript. The template of review is available on the website. The names of the reviewers of particular articles or issues are not disclosed. Once a year, the journal publishes the list of cooperating reviewers. The list of reviewers for the previous years is also posted on the journal's website.

Stage 3

The condition of publication of an article are two positive reviews. A review is consider negative when, above all, there is an insufficient level of science of the article, the title of the article does not match its content; the content of the article does not correspond with thematic scope of the journal and the selection of sources is neither correct nor current.

In the case of one positive and one negative review, the manuscript is directed to a third reviewer whose opinion is binding.

The procedure of articles reviewing in Marketing ang Management is based on recommendations of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education.

Review form template