Europa Regionum

ISSN: 1428-278X    OAI    DOI: 10.18276/er.2016.29-01
CC BY-SA   Open Access 

Issue archive / t. 29 2016
Miejsce zasady państwa pochodzenia w funkcjonowaniu rynku wewnętrznego w odniesieniu do świadczenia usług
(The place of the country of origin principle in the functioning of Internal Market with regard to provision of service)

Authors: Andrzej Całus
Szkoła Główna Handlowa w Warszawie
Keywords: country of origin principle principle of mutual recognition and equivalence of Member States laws Internal Market „coordinates fields” as the base for the development of UE law
Data publikacji całości:2016
Page range:19 (11-29)
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The country of origin principle has been generated by inclination to the approximate the laws of Member States. Its symbiosis with the principle of mutual recognition and equivalence of laws is foundation of Internal Market. Formal creation of this market would be non possible if the term of its establishment was not anticipated in the European Uniform Act as effect of the harmonization of Member States laws. Internal Market came to the existence in the connection with the market of services, therefore with task which enriched European integration in the frame of Internal Market. This paper is devoted to this symbiosis. It is composed of deliberation on its „virtues” and „vices” as well deliberation on the country of origin principle alone as the leading rule of the Internal Market. Virtues of this principle have been expressed in the directive on e-commerce and in the draft of directive on the services of 5 March 2004 and judgments of ECJ, „vices” have their expression in what ultimately remained in this directive and the treatment of the country origin principle in Rome I and Rome II regulation. Country of origin principle is a supplementary measure with respect to rules of private international law for the designation of the applicable law, created by judgements of ECJ and unions secondary law for Internal Market, mainly in the domain of provision of services It is principle of great priority and perspectives. Omission of this principle in the directive on the services will not signify its „falling”. Development of this principle in the UE law is not to be escaped, while the concept of „coordinated fields” serves the enrichment of this law without the need of reforming primary law, especially in these domains in regard to which there is lack of UE legislative competences.
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