Colloquia Theologica Ottoniana

ISSN: 1731-0555     eISSN: 2353-2998    OAI
CC BY-SA   Open Access   DOAJ  ERIH PLUS

Lista wydań / 2/2013
Postawa wiary w świetle „Dzienniczka” św. Faustyny i encykliki „Dives in misericordia” bł. Jana Pawła

Autorzy: Henryk Wejman
Wydział Teologiczny Uniwersytetu Szczecińskiego
Słowa kluczowe: charity faith trust personalism spirituality
Data publikacji całości:2013
Liczba stron:14 (7-20)


Sister Faustina and Pope John Paul II in the category of faith see attitude. Its essence perceive the unconditional surrender of man to God, who in Jesus Christ through the Holy Spirit revealed his mercy. According to them, the attitude of faith is nothing but a boundless view of man to God. As an act of man, is evolving. The growth of the most used – according to them – prayer. The more often a person will practice it, the deeper will – says Sister Faustina and John Paul II – to believe God. It is the prayer of faith increases his attitude. The attitude of faith can not be influenced – according to them – the social commitment of man. For faith awakens sensitivity to the needs of others. The deeper one believes, the more it becomes open to the needs of others.
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