Colloquia Theologica Ottoniana

ISSN: 1731-0555     eISSN: 2353-2998    OAI    DOI: 10.18276/cto.2019.1-11

Issue archive / 1/2019
Poziom duchowości i religijności u katolików zaangażowanych i niezaangażowanych w służbę liturgiczną
(The Level of Spirituality and Religiousness in the Catholics Being Involved and not Involved in the Liturgical Service)

Authors: Ewelina Wojtarkowska
Wydział Teologiczny Uniwersytetu Szczecińskiego
Keywords: spirituality religiousness liturgical service formation
Data publikacji całości:2019-09-01
Page range:21 (201-221)
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This article describes research on the relationships between Spirituality and Religiosity with the involvement in liturgical formation and with such factors as: sex, age and education of the respondents. The theoretical basis for studying the level of Spirituality is the concept of treating it as human’s ability subject to development. It consists of ethical sensitivity, harmony and religiosity, as well as the general level of spirituality. Religiosity is understood as a system of meanings, that consists of: orientation, sense and generally understood religiosity. The Self-Written Questionnaire authored by I. Heszen-Niejodek, E. Gruszczyńska and A. Metlak and the Religious Questionnaire of the Significance System by D. Krok were used to obtain the results. The research results indicate that people undertaking liturgical formation are characterized by a higher level of Spirituality and Religiosity than non-committed people. The higher level of both variables is also presented by women in comparison with men. These studies are of a pilot nature and can form the basis for pastoral activities and further research in the scope of these human dispositions.
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