Colloquia Theologica Ottoniana

ISSN: 1731-0555     eISSN: 2353-2998    OAI    DOI: 10.18276/cto.2021.37-14
CC BY-SA   Open Access   DOAJ  ERIH PLUS

Issue archive / 37/2021
Pragnienie chrztu a nadzieja zbawienia dzieci nieochrzczonych w Kodeksie prawa kanonicznego w perspektywie studium Międzynarodowej Komisji Teologicznej. Aspekty teologiczne i prawne
(The desire for baptism and the hope of salvation of unbaptized children in the Code of Canon Law according to studies of International Theological Commision: theological and legal aspects)

Authors: Bartosz Trojanowski ORCID
Papieski Wydział Teologiczny we Wrocławiu, Polska
Keywords: baptism salvation canon law baptism of desire original sin
Data publikacji całości:2021-12-15
Page range:21 (243-263)
Cited-by (Crossref) ?:


The problem of the hope of salvation of children who died prematurely without baptism has been present since the beginning of Christianity. Some of the Fathers of the Eastern and Western Church dealt with it, but, over the centuries, the question has never been definitively resolved because theologians have not been able to resolve all doubts when confronted with a mystery that transcends the human mind. In recent years, after the Second Vatican Council, the view on the destiny of such children has been revised, and theologians have presented arguments that allow for the hope of full happiness in the kingdom of heaven for these children. The first document that can be identified and clearly marks a change in such a theological view is the Code of Canon Law. While it mentions the necessity of baptism for salvation, the legislator does not speak of “absolute necessity.” It allows “baptism of desire,” and our article shows that this includes situations in which parents express that desire before giving birth to their children. Subsequent documents of the Church confirm this development of theological thought and thus justify the existence of the Christian hope of salvation for children who have not received the sacrament of baptism for various reasons. This article presents the arguments of the International Theological Commission and attempts to deepen and justify this theological thought. This problem is not only a theological reflection on the issue but also constitutes the daily life of the faithful who have been affected by such a tragedy and to whom the Church should give hope in their situation.
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