Central European Journal of Sport Sciences and Medicine

ISSN: 2300-9705     eISSN: 2353-2807    OAI    DOI: 10.18276/cej
CC BY-SA   Open Access   DOAJ  DOAJ

Lista wydań / Vol. 9, No. 1/2015

Rok wydania:2015

Spis Treści / Artykuły / Rozdziały

# Tytuł Liczba stron Autorzy Akcje

Impact of Nine Month Health Training and a Single Exercise on Changes in Ghrelin, Leptin and Free Fatty Acids Levels in Women’s Blood

11 (5-15) Ewa Bakońska-Pacoń, Piotr Dzięgiel, Małgorzata Kałwa, Eugenia Murawska-Ciałowicz, Iwona Wierzbicka-Damska Więcej

Effect of Deer Antler Velvet on Aerobic, Anaerobic and Strength Performance

10 (17-26) Craig Broeder, Conrad P. Earnest, Lyyn Panton, John Quindry Więcej

Effects of Yellow-Tinted Lenses on Visual Attributes Related to Sports Activities and Daily Life in Late Middle-aged Adults

10 (27-36) Kazuhiro Aoki, Yoshimitsu Kohmura, Shigeki Murakami, Yuki Someya Więcej

Interrelation of Football Players’ (13 to 14 Years Old) Indices of Movement in Various Directions

10 (37-46) Donatas Gražulis, Eglė Kemerytė-Riaubienė, Darius Radžiukynas, Nelė Žilinskienė Więcej

Kinesio Taping and Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome: A Systematic Review

8 (47-54) Beatriz López Aguilar, Rafael Merino-Marbán Więcej

The Concept of Treatment of Scolioses Employing Asymmetrical Aquatic Exercises

10 (55-64) Wioletta Łubkowska Więcej

Dependence of Aerobic Performance of Athletes on Polymorphism of Genes

9 (65-73) Victor E. Dosenko, Svitlana B. Drozdovska, Vladimir N. Ilyin, Olena M. Lysenko Więcej

Impact of Training with Additional Respiratory Dead Space on Spirometry and Exercise Respiratory Pattern in Cyclists

9 (75-83) Paulina Hebisz, Rafał G. Hebisz, Marek W. Zatoń Więcej

Sports Dance and the Process of Socialization

6 (85-90) Adrianna Banio Więcej

Influence of Vestibular Irritation on Stabilometric Indicators of Statokinetic Stability of Football Players

5 (91-95) Abdoulakhat S. Chinkin, Andrey S. Nazarenko Więcej

German Gymnastics Association (Deutsche Turnerschaft) in Relation to Sport Movement in Germany before the World War I

7 (97-103) Miłosz Stępiński Więcej

Predicting Competitive Swimming Performance

8 (105-112) Olga Fidos-Czuba, Krzysztof Kozłowski, Adam Maszczyk, Robert Roczniok, Łukasz Rutkowski, Arkadiusz Stanula, Robert Wilk, Piotr Wiśniewski Więcej