Central European Journal of Sport Sciences and Medicine

ISSN: 2300-9705     eISSN: 2353-2807    OAI    DOI: 10.18276/cej.2019.4-07
CC BY-SA   Open Access   DOAJ  DOAJ

Liste der Ausgaben / Vol. 28, No. 4/2019
The influence of modern technologies on the selected determinants of tourism and recreation development

Autoren: Jarosław Nadobnik
Wydział Kultury Fizycznej i Zdrowia, Uniwersytet Szczeciński
Schlüsselbegriffe: physical activity tourism recreation modern technologies labour market
Data publikacji całości:2019
Seitenanzahl:10 (75-84)
Cited-by (Crossref) ?:


The 21st century, especially its second decade, is a period of very dynamically developing science and technology, which is particularly manifested in many discoveries and inventions. The development of medical sciences, biotechnology, cybernetics, and computer science are making important progress. Industrial robots and other machines carry out programmed work by specialists faster, more precisely and economically than workers. Currently, there is no problem with smartphones to book a plane ticket, accommodation in a hotel, order a taxi or set the shortest route to the holiday destination. Unfortunately, adverse effects of technological progress are also observed, e.g. loss of workplaces caused by the introduction of new production technologies, loosening of social bonds, loneliness and depression of the individual, etc. The aim of the conducted research was to get to know the respondents’ opinions on selected problems related to modern technology in meeting the needs in the field of tourism and recreation and the impact of modern technology on the tourist labor market. The research group was narrowed down to students studying at the Faculty of Physical Education and Health Promotion of the University. Its participants were first- and second-cycle students  a total of 211 people aged 18 to 25 (58 women and 153 men). According to our research, the 92.16% of the respondents use the services available via the Internet, for example for shopping. The 85.29% of the respondents are not afraid of the risk of losing their job to modern technologies. Our research presented in this article shows that the vast majority of the respondents perceive the negative impact of the development of modern technologies on the labor market related to tourism and recreation. In order to stay on such a labor market, employees should constantly acquire new qualifications and be ready for a change of their job at multiple times during their careers.



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