Central European Journal of Sport Sciences and Medicine

ISSN: 2300-9705     eISSN: 2353-2807    OAI    DOI: 10.18276/cej.2018.1-01
CC BY-SA   Open Access   DOAJ  DOAJ

Liste der Ausgaben / Vol. 21, No. 1/2018
Establishing Technical and Tactical Performance Goals for Elite Male Volleyball Players

Autoren: José M. Palao
Department of Health, Exercise Science and Sport Management. University of Wisconsin - Parkside, Kenosha, United States

Antonio García-de-Alcaraz
Faculty of Health Sciences. Isabel I University (Spain)

Elena Hernández-Hernández
Faculty of Sport Science, Pablo de Olavide University, Seville, Spain

David Valadés
Faculty of Medicine, University of Alcala, Alcala de Henares, Spain

Enrique Ortega-Toro
Faculty of Sport Science, University of Murcia, Murcia, Spain
Schlüsselbegriffe: sport performance monitoring statistics
Data publikacji całości:2018-03-30
Seitenanzahl:8 (5-12)
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The goal of this study was to establish technical and tactical performance goals for elite male volleyball players (Spanish first division). This paper is the result of scientific collaboration between volleyball coaches and researchers. The process of establishing the goals and the reference values of the performance goals was: 1) conceptual analysis, establishing the criteria for the analysis of players’ and teams’ performance (researchers and coaches), 2) mathematical analysis, data collection and data analysis of the possible performance goals, and 3) practical analysis, establishing the performance goals according to their usefulness and applicability following the SMART principle. Seven performance goals were established to evaluate the technical-tactical actions of the players in training and in competition. Protocols utilized can be used as references of how to calculate the technical and tactical performance goals in sport.



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