Autobiografia Literatura Kultura Media

ISSN: 2353-8694    OAI    DOI: 10.18276/au.2015.2.5-11

Issue archive / nr 2 (5) 2015
Wokół recepcji Lukrecji Floriani George Sand – refleksje na marginesie polskiego wydania powieści
(The reception of George Sand’s “Lucrezia Floriani” – reflections on the Polish edition of the novel)

Authors: Katarzyna Nadana-Sokołowska
Instytut Badań Literackich PAN
Keywords: women’s experience autbobiographism in novels Lucrezia Floriani Frederic Chopin George Sand
Data publikacji całości:2015
Page range:14 (133-146)
Cited-by (Crossref) ?:


The article discusses the afterword to the Polish edition of “Lucrezia Floriani” (2009) – George Sand’s 1846 novel, based on autobiographical motifs (the author’s relationship with Frederic Chopin), which was usually seen in a very unfavorable way by Chopin’s successive biographers, up to considering the novel an example of caricature and libel. The article shows that Mieczysław Tomaszewski, author of the afterword, joins this misogynous tradition of the novel’s reception as well, through denial of the writer’s right to her own view and suggestions that apart from its biographical meaning, the novel is devoid of any literary value. The article compares Tomaszewski’s afterword to the newest interpretations which emphasise the uncommonness of the novel’s in feminist criticism emancipated protagonist when juxtaposed with 19th-century models of femininity.
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1.Didier Béatrice, L’ecriture-femme, PUF écrivains, Paris 1981.
2.Didier Béatrice, George Sand écrivain ‹‹Un grand fleuve d’Amérique››, PUF écrivains, Paris 1998.
3.Finch Alison, Women’s Writing in Nineteenth-Century France, Cambridge University Press, New York 2010.
4.Ghillebaert Françoise, Disguise in George Sand’s Novels, Peter Lang, New York 2009.
5.Godvin-Jones Robert, Romantic Vision. The Novels of George Sand, Summa Publications, Inc., Birmingham, Alabama 1995.
6.Kiewnarska Jadwiga, Sprawa George Sand i Chopina. Proces pośmiertny, „Bluszcz” 1939, nr 29–30.
7.Massardier-Kenney Françoise, Gender in the Fiction of George Sand, Rodopi, Amsterdam–Atlanta, GA 2000.
8.Rambeau Marie-Paule, Chopin w życiu i twórczości George Sand, przeł. Zbigniew Skowron, Musica Iagellonica, Kraków 2009.
9.Tomaszewski Mieczysław, Chopin i George Sand. Miłość nie od pierwszego spojrzenia, Wydawnictwo Literackie, Kraków 2010.