Zeszyty Naukowe Uniwersytetu Szczecińskiego. Acta Politica

Currently: Acta Politica Polonica

ISSN: 0867-0617    OAI

Issue archive / 4/2014 (30)
Polsko-niemiecka współpraca wojskowa w ramach europejskiej polityki bezpieczeństwa w latach 1991–2011
(Polish-German military cooperation within the European defence policy between 1991 and 2011)

Authors: Grzegorz Janiszewski
Wydział Studiów Międzynarodowych i Dyplomacji, Wyższa Szkoła Studiów Międzynarodowych
Keywords: Polish armed forces, Bundeswehr, Polish-German cooperation, armed forces, defensive capability
Data publikacji całości:2014
Page range:20 (35-54)


The article describes the process of developing the Polish-Germany defence cooperation after 1989. It analyses bases for normalisation of the bilateral relationships andthe cooperation in defence policy between Poland and Germany after the fall of the Iron Curtain. It shows the beginning of the polish-german contacts from initial distrust, going through a development of bilateral relationships, to the durable, startegic partnership. The article also shows the long way Poland had to come to join NATO and the participation of Germany in that process. The common initiatives after joinning the Pact, especially the role and the significance of Multinational Corps North-East in Szczecin and participation of Germany and Bundeswehr in training and technical modernisation of the polish armed forces, were also mentioned. Areas of the current defence cooperation between Poland and Germany and its future prospects were presented as well.


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