
Result: Found records: 3.
# Article title Issue number Year of publication
1. What Does Post-Exercise Proteinuria Tell Us About Kidneys?
(Central European Journal of Sport Sciences and Medicine)
Vol. 14, No. 2/2016 2016 Go to
2. Dlaczego nie powinno się gotować koźlęcia w mleku jego matki (Wj 23,19b; 34,26b; Pwt 14,21b)?
(Colloquia Theologica Ottoniana)
2/2015 2015 Go to
3. Histopathology of the gills, livers and kidney of Clarias gariepinus (Burchell, 1822) exposed to sniper 1000EC under laboratory conditions
(Acta Biologica)
No. 26 2019 Go to