Acta Iuris Stetinensis

Previously: Zeszyty Naukowe Uniwersytetu Szczecińskiego. Acta Iuris Stetinensis

ISSN: 2083-4373     eISSN: 2545-3181    OAI    DOI: 10.18276/ais

Submission guidelines

Before submitting a manuscript, please read through the guidelines below and prepare your paper according to the journal’s requirements.
Submitted manuscripts should not exceed 15 pages without any substantive justification (35,000 characters including spaces) and should not be shorter than 10 (scholarly papers) or 4 (commentaries) pages.

Submitting a manuscript, its approval for publication and publishing is free of charge

The author does not transfer copyrights for the paper onto the publisher.


Submissions should be prepared according to the following layout:

Author’s name and surname – along with:

- academic title or degree,

- affiliation – name of the university,

- e-mail address,

- author’s ORCID

Title – precise, exhaustive, descriptive, without general terms or abbreviations

Abstract – not exceeding 2,500 characters including spaces. The abstract should specify:

- paper’s aim,

- research methodology,

- main research results,

Key words – up to 5

Main text

- clearly distinguished introduction and conclusions

- cited works should follow the style of citation. Rules and examples can be downloaded here

- please see that notes for works cited in the text must be placed as footnotes on the same page as the cited work in the main text

- 1.5 spacing

- left and right margins – 2.5 cm

- Times New Roman 12 throughout the manuscript (bold letters and italics are permitted, please do not use underlining).

References - in alphabetical order, where the first letter of the surname is taken into account

Before manuscripts are published authors are required to submit a personal questionnaire along with declarations concerning manuscript’s originality and consent for the processing of personal data to be downloaded here.

Texts prepared for publication in accordance with the above guidelines should be sent via the journal platform

To submit a text you need to login or register.