Analiza i Egzystencja

ISSN: 1734-9923     eISSN: 2300-7621    OAI    DOI: 10.18276/aie.2019.48-03

Issue archive / 48 (2019)
Etyka Immenuela Kanta versus etyka Maxa Schelera
(Immanuel Kant’s Ethics versus Max Scheler’s Ethics)

Authors: Marcin Furman
Śląski Uniwersytet Medyczny
Keywords: value kantianism phenomenology epistemology ontology transcendentalism
Data publikacji całości:2019
Page range:21 (43-63)
Cited-by (Crossref) ?:


The article presents the principles on which the ethics of Kant and Scheler are built. Kant formulates declarative ethics, which is based on the ontology of reason. This level is unattainable formal and is the unattainable standard of our actions. On the other hand, Scheler formulates an ethics of values which can be realized by each of us. The paper examines two different ethical standpoints that can never be brought to each other.
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