Analiza i Egzystencja

ISSN: 1734-9923     eISSN: 2300-7621    OAI    DOI: 10.18276/aie.2018.44-05

Issue archive / 44 (2018)
Świat fabrykowany przez figurę Ojca. Model unisex jako reakcja na patriarchalne status quo (World fabricated by the figure of the Father. Unisex model as a backlash against the patriarchal status quo)
(World Fabricated by the Figure of the Father. Unisex Model as a Backlash against the Patriarchal Status Quo)

Authors: Michał Bomastyk
Instytut Filozofii UMK
Keywords: father mother patriarchy patricide unisex world
Data publikacji całości:2018
Page range:17 (83-99)
Klasyfikacja JEL: J16 J18 J19 K38 Z19
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World fabricated by the figure of the Father. Unisex model as a backlash against the patriarchal status quo The thesis of the article claims that destabilization of patriarchal social order is strictly connected with the act of patricide. The Father – the symbol of patriarchal culture – is deprived of power by this act. The consequence of patricide is constituting the new vision of unisex world in which femininity and masculinity are not determined by the binary system of gender. The article references to the methodological tools proposed by psychoanalysis and gender studies. Moreover, its aim is also to develop of an intellectual strategy which can destabilize social mechanisms of constructing emphasized femininity and privileging masculinity in the society.
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