Analiza i Egzystencja

ISSN: 1734-9923     eISSN: 2300-7621    OAI

Liste der Ausgaben / 29 (2015)
Od emocji do komunikacji. Gilles Deleuze’a analiza problemów reprezentacji, pragnienia i poznawania

Autoren: Paulina Kłos-Czerwińska
Uniwersytet Zielonogórski
Schlüsselbegriffe: pragnienie, tworzenie, transgresja pragnienie tworzenie transgresja
Data publikacji całości:2015
Seitenanzahl:25 (87-111)


The article presents the analysis of the problems of representation, desire and acquiring knowledge as the foundations of Gilles Deleuze’s thought. However, the analysis of these problems can significantly contribute also to the understanding of the issue of symbolic and affective poverty, as it was formulated by Bernard Stiegler, noticed and described much earlier by Deleuze, though taking visible shapes nowadays in connections with the workings of capitalist, consumptionist, economically driven societies. The analysis of each of the presented topics reveals hidden dependencies between the understanding of the problem of knowledge and the perception of sensibility of the Other. To be able to communicate the vast diversity of emotions in the confrontation with a difference, it is good to stay open for what Deleuze indicates: the multiplication of the possibilities of living, and in result, to learn to affirm them as a part of social enterprise, whenever they stay in agreement with presumed powers of critical mind.



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