Analiza i Egzystencja

ISSN: 1734-9923     eISSN: 2300-7621    OAI    DOI: 10.18276/aie.2017.38-06

Liste der Ausgaben / 38 (2017)
Nuda jako wola

Autoren: Maciej Karpiński
Schlüsselbegriffe: attraction wanting thing satisfaction repulsion overcoming necessary will Meaning force (power) existence categorical will boredom will
Data publikacji całości:2017
Seitenanzahl:21 (109-129)
Cited-by (Crossref) ?:


The will, widely understood, is a lack of indifference – a turn to (a wanting-desire) or from (a negative wanting, hate) some thing: an attraction or a repulsion – both in the literal meaning (a physical force) and any metaphoric meaning. As the relation between a subject and an object, the will is a specific case of the existence, that is to say a relation of the structure: A exists for B, where A, in some way, acts for B. In the case of the will, the existence-influence depends on an attraction (A exists for B as wanted-desired) or a repulsion (A exists for B as wanted in negative way, hated). The categorical will is a wanting (desire or hate) focused on some thing due to it. The instrumental will is a wanting (desire or hate) focused on some thing as an instrument for the satisfaction of the other will; it (instrumental will) occurs always together with some categorical will, which is the cause of that instrumental will. The willpower is the sum of values of advantages (with the plus sign) and disadvantages (with the minus sign) of the object on which the will is focused. The satisfaction of the will leads to the vanishing of the relation between a subject and an object, and – consequently – to the vanishing of members of that relation (by their unification, in the case when a wanting-desire is satisfied, or isolation, in the case of the satisfaction of a negative wanting, hate). The free will is a type of an accidental will, being a creative act (decision) of a subject. The unfree will may be necessary, when it must exist, or accidental, when it can, but does not has to exist. The Meaning of a concrete subject is its axiological justification, essence (proper identity), vocation and fulfillment (final aim). The boredom is a necessary and a categorical wanting-desire of the Meaning. The factors of the boredom are the power of a wanting-desire of the Meaning and the interval of time, when a wantingdesire is unsatisfied. The overcoming of the boredom is a satisfied wanting-desire of the Meaning.



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